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Performance Analysis with Coaching Exercises

This service includes the performance and biomechanical analysis of the video along with feedback. In addition to the feedback, as provided in the Performance and Biomechanical Analysis Service, there will be coaching exercises, individualised to the horse and rider combiantion, at the stage of training appropriate for the level observed in the video. 

The exercises will be suggested by our performance analyst and coach (UKCC acredited with experience coaching International horse and rider combinations and awarded u25 Pony Club Coach of the Year in 2019).

We hope that the exercises will help to give some structure and ideas to training through the lockdown periods and beyond, especially if regular coaching is unavailable for you!


horse and rider training in canter with machine learning and ai programme overlay

Disclaimer: (required we suppose!) the exercises on the feedback are suggested and must be conducted at the rider's own risk, we can not accept any responsibility for outcomes, but we will do our best to help the improvement of horse and rider. Paying for this service is acceptance of this liability statement. 

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